I was about ten years old when I knew I wanted to become a professional photographer. At age 18, I photographed my first wedding. I kept close to the business while pursuing other endeavors until I felt ready to open my full-time studio in 1991. I joined the Professional Photographers of Ohio and America later that year and soon after began entering contests and winning many awards. In 2009 I was Professional Photographers of Ohios Co-Photographer of the Year and repeated as Certified Photographer of the Year. Holding five professional degrees in photography, including Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman, I was also chairman of the Professional Photographers of Ohio for two years.
During the week I am normally in my studio shooting or processing our client work. In addition to weddings, commercial work, high school senior photos, or family portraits, we also have a full service lab where we can custom print our work.
Any of the pictures can be purchased. They are priced by the square inch, based on what your ordering size is and your quantity. They can be purchased as straight prints or with special art effects called painted effects. Some of the pictures in the gallery will show the painted effect. Each is custom printed in our studio lab with a protective surface. The finished work is then mounted on art board. We prefer you do your own framing, as that is quite a personal process.
Our custom fine artwork currently hangs in the Fisher-Titus Medical Center in Norwalk, Ohio; the Norwalk Memorial Home, also in Norwalk; and a custom project was produced for the Kelleys Island Venture Resort Hotel on Kelleys Island, Ohio.
Please contact me if you have any questions about prints you would like for your home, office or business, or to give as a gift.
Darrell A. Moll